Saturday, 20 April 2013

Magnolia Day Indonesia

Hi Everyone,

I have a great news to share, yes, just as the title says, we're having our first ever Magnolia Day in Indonesia. Ying and Nancie (Malaysian Magnolia DT) has agree to come to Surabaya and have this amazing event.

What's more amazing is that we are sponsored by Magnolia Sweden, so there will be lots of Magnolia stamps, flowers, crystal branch, berries and DooBeePops to giveaway.

So be sure to save the date, book that plane ticket, empty your schedule, cause it's going to be a blast.
We'll have demos, 'make and take', and workshop. There'll be lucky draws with lots of amazing Magnolia yumminess.

If you want more information please call MSI +62315037191 or email me irenedaryanto[at]gmail[dot]com or go to our facebook event page: Magnolia Day Indonesia

Hope to see you there, I would love to share this day with you.
Hugs from Indonesia,
Irene Daryanto