Welcome to Magnolia DTs Blog Hop, it's all about the new Waiting for Christmas Collection, they are absolutely gorgeous, I can look at them and colored them all day and they are soooo cute. If you hop from Monique's blog then you're on the right track. If not you can start at Debbie's blog and hop along the way.
Here's my card, really hope you like it, they are my style, simple and always in two or three combos.
Stamps: Twinkle Star Tilda, For You at Christmas text (Waiting for Christmas 2014), Nativity Fence (Nativity 2012)
Coloring / Ink: Copic Sketch Marker skin: E11 E01 E00 E000 E0000 R20 hair: E99 E97 E53 clothes: E44 E43 E42 E41 E40 0 fence: E29 E25 E31 / Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper: Magnolia, Glitz Design
Other: DooHickey Dies vintage Square Nesting dies; and other are all from DooHickey Club Vol.2, they are superb.
Now hop on to Janny's blog and don't forget to leave comment on each of our blog to get prizes from Magnolia Sweden.
Here are the list of the group 2 DTs
Debbie http://www.debbie-thedolphins.blogspot.com/Diana http://deedeesmagnoliaart.blogspot.com/
Ying http://yingandmagnolia.blogspot.com/
Yulis http://yuliswithmagnolia.blogspot.com/Neline http://nelinesmagnoliablog.blogspot.com/
Yuri http://soffamagnolia.blogspot.com/Tina M. http://tinaandmagnolia.blogspot.com/
Camilla H http://pysselsidan.blogspot.com/
Nancie http://mymagnoliacre8tions.blogspot.com/
Monique http://moniquelokhorst.blogspot.com/
Irene http://magnoliabyirene.blogspot.com/
Janny http://jannymagnolia.blogspot.com/
Paulina http://monamimagnolia.blogspot.com/
Ashlee http://ashleesmagnoliadesigns.blogspot.com/
Kianel http://kianeldtmagnolia.canalblog.com/
Jiwon http://magnoliabyjiwon.blogspot.kr/
Bye and see you soon,
Irene Daryanto.